Thursday, March 20, 2008

SVS 28

Destroyer of worries

Today's [20th March 2008] lecture is from Thathachari gardens, famous for mango fruits, in Srirangam. Here Lord Sri Ranganatha arrives every year in the Tamil month of Masi and rides the Garuda vahanam.
Kesava has many interpretations.
  • Klesa nasana or destroyer of our worries
  • Killer of the demon Kesi [who appeared as a horse to kill child Sri Krishna in Gokulam]
  • Ka = Brahma, Isa = Shiva. Lord of both Brahma and Shiva.
  • Possessing beautiful flock of hair.
As per shastras, we are to chant certain divine names before an action. For example, Hari while getting up from sleep, Govinda, while eating, Kesava, while starting to go out, Madhava, before retiring to bed, etc. Chanting thus will make us happy and peaceful.

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