Monday, March 17, 2008

SVS 25

Ruler of Prakruthi and the jeevatman in it.

We are in Srirangam, described as Bhooloka Vaikuntam, spread with greenery and canals, rivers and ponds. But the picture at present is causing worry and it is requested that all should try to preserve the greenery, Srirangam is praised for by Alwars.
Pradhana = prakruthi. On one side of the celestial river Viraja is Vaikuntam and on the other side is prakruthi, which includes our universe also. Sri Krishna in Bhagavad Gita says, starting from Brahma loka [a.k.a Satya loka] all other worlds are Prakruthi and everyone here experiences rebirth. Only those in Vaikuntam, never have rebirth. Purusha = atman or jeevatman. Iswara = ruler. The Lord is the Ruler of Prakruthi [Achit] and Atman [Chit].
Another interpretation is, Pradhanapurusha denotes Prajapathi or Brahma. Ruler or Leader of Brahma is Sriman Narayana. The Lord formed a lotus flower from His navel and in that He created Brahma. Brahma was taught Vedas by the Lord and with that knowledge Brahma created all in the Universe. Thus Brahma becomes the First or Pradana Purusha [atman].

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