Wednesday, March 5, 2008

SVS 18

Always associated with Muktas.
Mukkur Sri Lakshmi Narasimhachariar Swamy is a Mahatma and has had the sakshatkaram of Sri Narasimha. He had performed many yagnas and chanted the mantras millions times. We are at the sannidhi of Sri Yagnamurthy, the pooja idol of Mukkur Swami. Having born in a respectable family, he became the son-in-law of Vidwan Thirukkallam Sri NarasimhaRaghavachariar Swami. His lectures on SVS is well known.
The Lord's greatness and the special attributes that are conferred on Muktas are explained in the next Five Names. Avyaya means He never lets down those who reach Him. Once atma reaches Him, even if His consort Sri Lakshmi requests, no atma will be sent back to earth. Once the highest place is reached, never will He send anyone back. Atman going to any of the 14 worlds in the Universe, has to come back to the earth again. But reaching Vaikuntam or Paramapadam, will stop returning to the Universe once and for all. In Bhagavad Gita Sri Krishna tells Arjuna that starting from Brahma loka to the lowest place, nothing is permanent and none can avoid the recycle of births; but those who surrender and reach Sri Krishna , will ever remain in Moksham. Avyaya also means defect less or indestroyable or with no beginning or end.

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