Wednesday, July 8, 2009

SVS 353 [Varado - 331] (36.4)

331. OM VARADAYA NAMA: ॐ वरदाय नम:

Grants power to gods in charge of various activities in managing the World.

We will now enjoy the beauty of the Lord in Srirangam. In Srirangam, almost all through the year, festivals are celebrated. In those, we will describe Poocchatti Utsavam. Beauty of Sri Namperumal and His festivals are beyond words. This festival is unique for Sri Namperumal. He arrives at the open space in front of Sri Kotanda Rama sannidhi. He is adorned with a garment made of flowers only. Though Varada is the name of Lord of Kanchi, the Lord at every temple is Varada. Varada means granting varams [boons]. He grants many. If we pray, we might pray only for limited benefits; but if He grants on His Own, He will grant unlimited boons. One devotee says that he did not want anything, but if the Lord decided to grant, then He should grant Himself! Swami Vedanta Desika in his Yadavabhyudayam, says that when Sri Krishna was born, just as we celebrate our children's birth day, demi gods and village gods granted boons to their devotees, to celebrate the Lord's avatar!

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