Monday, July 6, 2009

SVS 351 [Skandadharo] (36.2)

329. OM SKANDADHARAYA NAMA: स्कन्दधराय नम:
As told in Gita [that the Lord is Skanda among Commanders], He sustains Skanda, Devas' commander.

In Kali Yug, though the followers of Sri Vishnu would dwindle, many great Acharyas would be born on the banks of sacred rivers in South India - says Srimad Bhagavatam. We are touring agraharams in Palaru and surroundings. In Tiruvannamalai District is Injimedu [இஞ்சிமேடு], mutilated name of Yagna medu [யக்ஞமேடு]. From this place the very famous 42nd Jeer of Sri Ahobila Mutt hailed. Sri Yagna Rama here is very famous, as also Anjaneya.

Sri Varadharaja Perumal

The Lord provides power for Skanda [or Kandan கந்தன் in Tamil].

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