Sunday, December 7, 2008

SVS 206 [201 -Sarvadhruk ] (22.2)continued

201. OM SARVADRUSHE NAMA: [continued]

Bathing in Bhavanasini river and donating a morsel of food is equal to donating food to 1000 qualified Vedic Brahmins. The Lord described in the Divine name simha: blesses us with all fortunes. Nammalwar is called Satakopa, as he vanquished sata air, cause of ignorance of the Almighty and other noble knowledge. Nammalwar was residing in a tamarind tree and so his Thiruvaimozhi originated from that tree. Similarly, Bhavanasini river originates from under a tamarind tree. Garudasailam at Ahobilam, Tirumala hills and Srisailam, appear together like the huge serpent Adisesha. Head is in Venkatadri, middle body at Ahobilam and tail at Srisailam. Ahobilam is near Alaghatta in Cudappah in Kurnool district. Road from lower Ahobilam to upper Ahobilam is well laid. Presently, Ahobilam is developed very well. In upper Ahobilam, the Lord as Sri Narasimha is in swayambu form, inside a cave.

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