Tuesday, September 30, 2008

SVS 161 [Oorjita: - 158] (17.6)

158. OM OORJITAYA NAMA: ऊर्जिताय नम:
Mighty to suppress enemies.

Maha Bali offers his head for the Lord to place His foot to measure Third foot. Because we should honour our words. Sri Krishna tells Draupati, that even if Himalayas become dust or sky falls down, His words to her would never fail. Because of such a promise Dasaratha had to send Sri Rama in exile; Yudhishtra had to suffer living in forests. Namuchi, son of Maha Bali, protested that the Lord had tricked his father. He was thrown away but not killed, as he was also related to Prahalada, to whom the Lord had promised that none of his relations would ever be killed. For the same reason even Banasura was spared by Sri Krishna. In the Bhagavatam, composed by sage Garga, a story is told. When Sri Vamana entered the yagna vatika of Maha Bali, his daughter Ratnamala, was attracted by His beauty and wished she could suckle this tiny tot! But when she thought that the Lord had cheated her father, she voiced her protest and the Lord made her into a demon. This demon was Puthana and her wish for suckling the Lord was fulfilled in Sri Krishnavatara! Thus by the Divine name oorjita He punishes His enemies and , at the same time, obeys the desire of His devotees.

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