Wednesday, April 29, 2009

SVS 308 [Aushadham - 288] (31.5)

288. OM AUSHADHAYA NAMA: औषधाय नम:
He is the cure for rebirths.

Srimad ramanuja charanou sharanam prabhatye Srimate ramanujaya nama:
In 2017, we would be fortunate to celebrate Swami Ramanuja's 1001st Birthday! We should follow his teachings and celebrate. Aushadham means medicine. For every disease there is a particular medicine. Similarly, there are medicines for rescuing from death, as we see Hanuman bringing Sanjivini to rescue Lakshmana. Alwar says the Lord is both medicine and Doctor. Swami Ramanuja was able to cure the disease caused to Vedas, by people who interpreted Vedas wrongly and made Vedas to suffer. Half baked people are more dangerous! While the Lord is Veda Vedyan [knows all Vedas], Swami Ramanuja is Veda Vaidyan [doctor for Vedas]!

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