Thursday, April 23, 2009

SVS 304 [Amrutamshudbhavo - 284, Bhanu: - 285] (31.1, 31.2)

284. OM AMRUTAMSHUDBHAVAYA NAMA: अम्रुताम्शूद्भवाय नम:
He is the origin of Moon, which originated from His mind.

285. OM BHANAVE NAMA: भानवे नम:
He grants brightness to Sun and other such luminous objects.

Sri Varaha grants us Gyana. Vedas say Moon originated from the mind of the Lord. Krishna indicates both Sri Varaha and Sri Krishna. While painting our forehead with Thiruman [திருமண்], we have to pray to Sri Bhudevi - Mother Earth, to protect us! There Sri Varaha is indicated by the word Krishna!

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