Thursday, April 2, 2009

SVS 290 [Vasudo - 270] (29.5)

270. OM VASUDAYA NAMA: वसुदाय नम:
Grants material comforts to those desiring.

Today's [2ndApril 2009] lecture is from Ponpadirkoodam [பொன் பதிர் கூடம்] near Chengalput. Here the Lord appears with Four arms and so is called Sri Chaturbhuja Rama. Mandodari arrives at the battlefield to look at the dead body of Ravana, her husband. When she looks up at Sri Rama, He appeared to her as the Lord Sriman Narayana with Four arms, appreciating Her chastity! That scene is depicted here! He grants anything to anyone. Before departing to forest, obeying His parents' order, Sri Rama donates. One very poor Brahmin requests Sri Rama for wealth. Sri Rama gave him a stick and asked the Brahmin to throw it as far as possible; and, Sri Rama promised He would grant all wealth upto the place where the stick fell. Sri Rama told that He did not ask the Brahmin to do that as a test, but to satisfy Brahmin's mind! Vasu [வஸு वसु] means wealth. He grants wealth in this world and the most superior wealth of Moksham also.

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