Friday, November 21, 2008

SVS 196 [Mareechir - 191] (21.1)

191. OM MAREECHAYE NAMA: मरीचये नम:
Displays His pure radiant image.

Mareechi means with bright image and induces light of Gyana in us. He appears to His devotees in a magnificent way. Sage Vyasa, in spite of authoring 18 Puranas and epic Mahabharata, was not satisfied and was sitting in a pensive mood on the banks of Saraswati river. He was met by Narada, and Vyasa requested Narada to suggest way to remove the dissatisfaction in him. Narada preached Chatusloki Bhagavatam, in Four verses. At that time Narada revealed his earlier births. He was in earlier birth, the son of a widow. His mother served some Bhagavatas and Narada used to ear the residual food, served to Bhagavatas and so his mind was refined. After his mother's death, he wandered without any aim but always thinking of the Lord. Once he sat in meditation and was immersed in the thought of God. After a long time, the Lord appeared to Him radiating His beauty. It was only for a short time and when Narada cried to see that image again, an oracle was heard appreciating his service to his mother, eating Bhagavata sesham and deep meditation, and ordered to continue further to view the Lord's image for ever.

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