Wednesday, November 12, 2008

SVS 189 [Mahibhartha -184] (20.2)

184. OM MAHIBHARTRE NAMA: महीभर्त्रे नम:
Always supporting the Univese, as Sri Adi Koorma.

This month 22nd and 23rd a programme called 'Sri Villiputhur' is to be conducted in Astika Samajam, Venus Colony, Chennai. It would be a rare opportunity for devotees to participate and receive Sri Andal's blessings.
Mahi bhartha means supporting Universe. Bhartha means husband. Mahi means world and so husband of World. It is the Lord. This we understand from Sri Varaha Avatar. Sri Andal is considered as the incarnation of Sri Bhudevi. Sri Bhudevi wanted to teach the world all She learnt from Her Husband. Those are the verses from Sri Andal.

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