Friday, October 17, 2008

SVS 172 [Madhavo - 169] (18.5)

169. OM MADHAVAYA NAMA: माधवाय नम:
Grants 'Ma' - the brahma gyana.

Madhava means He blesses us with Gyana. Earlier [SVS 79 and Divine name 73], Divine name Madhava was interpreted as the Consort of Sri Maha Lakshmi. In the Divine name veera it was mentioned that apart from destroying enemies, the Lord also destroys all who interpret Vedas wrongly [குதர்க்கம்]. Thus, this Divine name is a logical follow up. He blesses with Gyana of the Lord. Prahalada says that it is the correct duty, which fetches us the Lord. Our present education does not add to our knowledge as it will not fetch us the eternal bliss. Swami Desika says our education is a burden [சுமையான கல்வி].

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