Tuesday, October 14, 2008

SVS 169 [Vaidyo -166] (18.2)

166. OM VAIDYAYA NAMA: वैद्याय नम:
Knows the remedy to eliminate births and deaths for those who meditate on Him.

The Lord is called Veda pratipadyan, meaning He can be realized only by Vedas. We are to see His names as Doctor and Medicines. We see specialist for each organ. Our chronic disease, continuing in so many births - samsaram - is being cured by the Lord. Sometimes medicines are so bitter that the patient might prefer disease to medicine! But here the medicine Moksham is ever pleasing. In SVS, we see the result - phala फल - for chanting. 'Artha vishanna.....', SVS is a simple medicine to cure the most dreaded diseases. Achyutaananthagovinda namochcharana beshaja - anything taken with chanting Sri Achyuta, Sri Ananta and Sri Govinda, will itself become a मेडीसिन.

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