Thursday, October 16, 2008

SVS 171 [Veeraha - 168] (18.4)

168. OM VEERAGNE NAMA: वीरघ्ने नम:
Destroyer of persons, who attempt to destroy illogically, Paramatma gyana.

We are in Chintalavadi, near Karur. Lord Sri Narasimha appeared in the dream of a person from Srimushnam. He came to this place and explained his dream to a washerman; the surprised washerman, removed the washing stone and both were perplexed to see Lord Sri Narasimha, in Yoga pose, on the back of the washing stone. Thereafter a temple was constructed. Veera is one of the names of Lord Sri Narasimha in Mantraraja pada stotram. Eliminates the enemies of devotees, like Hiranyakasipu. He cans not be vanqiuished by enemies; but He Himself decides to be defeated by His devotees. That is why in Mahabharata war, He forsake His vow to keep up Bheeshma's vow. But single handedly Sri Rama destroyed 14,000 rakshasas to protect the sages in Janasthana. He destroys those wrecking Vedas, and remains victorious.

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