Sunday, June 29, 2008

SVS 97 [ Aha -91]( 10.6)

91. OM ANDHE NAMA: न्धे नम:
He shines as the Day for those caught in darkness for infinite time.

We are at Veerapandipudhur, where Sri Lakshmi Narasimha is gracing. Aha: means He graces as Day. Day symbolizes light as different from night or darkness. We are groping in samsaram darkness. Here, the Lord appears as Light and guides us. While the Sun could remove the external darkness, the Lord can remove both external and our internal darkness or ignorance. In his Sankalpa Sooryodhaya, sanskrit drama, Swami Desika, opens the literature with the sloka, praying that the Lord, Who removes the darkness in us, to bless us. In the word guru, gu means darkness and ru means remover. We regard Sriman Narayana as the First Guru and Acharya of all.

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