Thursday, June 26, 2008

SVS 94 [Sarma -88]( 10.3)

88. OM SARMANE NAMA: ॐ शर्मने नम:
He is the Ultimate Objective.

This Divine name suggests that the Lord alone can grant us the faultless and pure Vaikuntam. Therefore, elders regard this as special. Thondaradipodi Alwar in his Thirumalai [திருமாலை], says something not found in Puranas. Mudgala was a great sinner and even unintentionally had not done any good. After death, he was taken to Naraka loka. There he sees other sinners being punished and so is afraid. Fear, he never felt while doing evils, appeared on seeing what he was to get as a result for evil deeds. Lord Yama came to him and was examining whether he had done any good things in his life. He found that he had uttered 'Krishnaya nama:' once. Yama asked Mudgala, whether he ever prayed to Sri Krishna. Mudgala replied that the word Krishnaya nama: was told just like that. Again Yama asked him, whether Mudgala knew the meaning of Krishnaya nama:. This conversation was happening amidst other sinners experiencing severe punishments in hell. But the word Krishnaya nama:, uttered by Yama and Mudgala, transformed the agony of other sinners to pleasing experiences. Hell was converted to Heaven. Such is the greatness of Divine name. Therefore, the Divine name sarma creates happiness in us and makes the Lord happy.

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