Wednesday, June 25, 2008

SVS 93 [ Sharana -87](10.2)

He is the Means to reach Him.

Sharanam means He is the means to reach Him. In Gita, the Lord tells Arjuna to worship Him to reach Him. Swami Desika also says that Vedas acclaim that He is the means to attain Him. In Kanchipuram, Sri Yathokthakari Perumal is there. When Saraswati, wanted to flood the yagna being performed by lord Brahma, the Lord lied down to prevent the flood. He is Sri Yathokthakari. Swami Desika says in Vekasethu sthotram, that the Lord is One but appears as Dual as Sri Yathokthakari and Sri Hasthisailesa [Sri Varadaraja]. That is by worshiping Sri Yathokthakari, we can worship Sri Varadaraja. Dwayam mantra, is sharanagati mantra. Charanam = feet and sharanam = surrender. Why should we surrender? So that we can serve Him for ever. Lakshmana surrendered to the Lord Sri Rama, so as to serve Him always, even in the forests.

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