Wednesday, July 23, 2008

SVS 114 [Samathma -108] (12.4)

108. OM SAMATHMANE NAMA: मात्मने नम:
Among His devotees, He sees no inequality.

Worshiping Paduka will get us yoga kshemam [yoga = acquiring something new, kshemam = retaining such acquisitions]. Even Ramarajya was with certain mistakes; but Padukarajyam was perfect. In Nandigrama, we will see today's [28th July 2008] Divine name Samathma - impartiality. In Swami Desika's Dayasathakam, we can see this quality of the Lord. The Lord Sri Rama, Who was close to great sages like Vasishta, Viswamitra and Bharadwaja, was also close to hunter Guha, monkey king Sugriva, hunter woman Sabari, vulture Jatayu and demon Vibheeshana. Similarly Sri Krishna was intimate to the poor brahmin Kuchela, clumsy flower woman, illiterate Gopikas, etc. He treated all equally and no partiality was shown. When Vali responded to the call for fight by Sugriva and tried to get ready, Tara, wife of Vali advised Vali not to venture as Sri Rama was helping Sugriva. For that Vali replied that if Sri Rama was friend of Sugriva, He was Vali's friend also. Tara then tells that Sri Rama is nivasa vruksha: sadhunam - He is shelter to devotees. Apannanam para gathi: - He is rescuer for people in distress. Aarti means sufferings and we are therefore, aarthas. For them He is asylum. Sri Rama considered the pity of Sugriva for losing his wife to Vali more than His losing Sri Sita. Forgetting His own sufferings in wild forests, Sri Rama was more worried about the welfare of Bharata, having to bathe in Sarayu in winter!!

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