Friday, July 4, 2008

SVS 102 [ Aja-96](11.1)

96. OM AJAYA NAMA: अजाय नम:
Removes obstacles, to make devotees reach Him.

All the 18 puranas made by Vyasa were propagated from Naimisharanyam The Eighteen puranas are: 1.Matsya 2. Markandeya 3. Bhavishya 4. Bhagavatha. 5. Brahma 6. Brahmanda 7. Brahmavaivartha 8. Varaha 9. Vamana. 10. Vayu 11. Vishna 12. Agni 13. Naradeeya 14. Padma 15. Mooga 16. Garuda 17. Koorma and 18. Skanda. Of these Six each are regarded as Satvika, Rajasa and Tamasa puranas. Apart from these Vyasa partitioned Vedas and composed Mahabharata, considered as the Fifth Veda. Such a great person lived in this place. We can be proud of being born in the country where Naimisharanyam exists. Today's [ 2nd July 2008] Divine name is aja:, which means without birth [He is not born]. Another meaning of this is removing obstacles. In order that we may worship Him, He removes the impediments. Though punya is good, both papa and punya are like handcuffs. Papa is steel one and punya is golden handcuff. Both bind us in this samsaram. In a way papa is better; the person doing papa is at least afraid of doing it again. But, from punya we enjoy and we get more involved in this samsaram, for more enjoyment. Sufferings make us to pray to Him. Kunti, prayed Lord Sri Krishna to give her sufferings so that she would never forget Him. Punya induces interest in this worldly life.

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