Wednesday, April 9, 2008

SVS 42

Exhibits His Supremacy as Sarveswara, in His avatars.

This is the 12th Divine Name in the Fourth sloka. Like the previous name Prabhu, this name Iswara is also counted in the mantra compilation. Same meaning as Prabhu, Leader, is reinforced. He is the ruler of Ubhaya Vibhoothi- Nithya Vibhoothi, Vaikuntam and Leela Vibhoothi, Universe we see. Vibhoothi means Iswaryam and so possessor/ ruler of them is Iswara. He was called Nidhiravyaya earlier; that is He Himself is undiminishable wealth. He is also called Avaptasamastha kaman [अवाप्था समस्त कामन]. He has no desires to be full filled. He does not need any, as He possesses all. Our desires are never complete nor everlasting. Our desires are more greedy.

sarva sharva shiva sthanu bhoothadir nidiravyaya|
sambhavo bhavana bhartha prabhava prabhureeswara|| 4.

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