Monday, March 2, 2009

SVS 261 [Nara: - 247] (26.10)

247. OM NARAYA NAMA: नराय नम:
Protector of all accumulated living beings and non-living matter.

Swami Parasara Bhatta has grouped the Divine names in SVS into 44 categories and calls each category as a petal of a lotus flower. We have to imagine a lotus flower with 44 petals. From the Divine name Narayana starts another group or another petal in this lotus flower. Nara: normally means man; but here it denotes the Lord. We are in Badri nath, where the Lord is called Sri Badri Narayana. Badari is a berry [ilandai pazham இலந்தைப் பழம்]. Badarayana aka as Vysa and Uddhava have meditated here.

Here the Lord appears as Sri Narayana [the Guru] and Sri Nara [ the disciple].
Devaprayag" src="" style="width: 548px; height: 389px;">

Badri" src="" style="width: 500px; height: 330px;">

suprAsadah prasannAthmA vishvasrk vishvabhuk vibhuh | sathkarthA sathkrthah-sAdhur janhur nArAyaNO narah ||

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