Tuesday, February 17, 2009

SVS 252 [Anilo - 236, Dharanidhara: - 237] (25.7,25.8)

236. OM ANILAYA NAMA: अनिलाय नम:
He is like wind, the sustainer.

237. DHARANIDHARAYA NAMA: धरणीधराय नम:
Supports all, like Earth.

T.Narasimhapura is considered at least a 'kundhumani [குந்துமணி]' measure more sacred than Kasi. Therefore, the Lord is called Sri Kunja Narasimhaswamy [ஸ்ரீ குஞ்சா நரஸிம்ஹ சுவாமி]! Lord Shiva has a temple here as in Kasi. In vahni the Lord was said to be like fire and now in anila, the Lord is like wind! Pranavayu is essential for sustaining. Thus He is the sustainer for the Universe. Wind gets its power from the Lord. Upanishads say that wind blows as per His command. Sun shines on His command. In Sri Varaha Avatara, He supported Mother Earth. We have to remember this while adding Thiruman on our forehead and on our body.

AvarthanO nivruthAthmA samvrthah sampramardanah | ahah samvarthakO vanhir anilO dharaNeedharah ||(25)

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