Thursday, August 14, 2008

SVS 130 [Sarvaga-124] (14.1)

124. OM SARVAGAYA NAMA: सर्वगाय नम:
Protects all those merged after destroying.

Sarvaga means keeping all in Him. During pralayam or the great deluge, the Lord destroys forms and names of everything and they all merge in Him. Now we are able to recognize each separately as stone or cow or man, etc. Before creation all these were not separate and did not have a name. Similarly, when, after pralayam, the Lord takes in all, they do not have form or name. A spider builds web be secreting from it and after the purpose is over, it sucks in the web completely. Like this the Lord creates Universe from Him and after destroying takes all in. This power of taking in everything is sarvagaya. We will see another Divine name sankarshana in due course, it also means taking in all. Lord Balarama is considered as Sankarshana avatar. He could pull river Yamuna's course and once He tried to uproot Hasthinapura. He protects all these so as to create again.

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