Saturday, August 2, 2008

SVS 121 [Rudhro -115] ( 13.1)

115. OM RUDRAYA NAMA: रुद्राय नम:
Stimulates gleeful tears in the devotees.

Today's [1st August 2008] lecture is from Amma Mandapam in Sri Rangam. The Lord Sri Ranganatha arrives here every year on Padhinettam Perukku [பதினெட்டாம் பேருக்கு] on 18th day of Aadi month. It is the Day when the Lord offers presents to Mother Kaveri. Swami Parashara Bhattar says that rudra: does not mean he who cries, but He who makes others to cry [in happiness]. Tears are uncontrolled for the devotees of Sri Ranganatha, when they worship Him. The Lord makes them to cry in happiness by His benign qualities and by His enchanting beauty. It is called anada bhashpam [आनंद भाष्पम] [ஆனந்தக் கண்ணீர்]. It is said that the tears in sorrow would be warm, while tears in happiness would be cool. Similarly, tears flow from the eyes of the Lord also when He sees His devotees. When Kuchela came to see the Lord in Dwaraka, tears appeared in Sri Krishna's eyes, as He was meeting His classmate after so many years. Nammalwar, in the guise of the lover girl of the Lord says in the pasuram on Srirangam, kangulum pagalum [கங்குலும் பகலும்]: 'she' waded through the tear water on the floor [கண்ண நீர் கைகளால் இறைக்கும்].

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